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Looking for a little respect?

blog charting clinical encounter respect stop charting at night Nov 08, 2021
Learn to lead your clinical encounters to help your patients at the highest level.

Ever wondered why your patients are so disrespectful? They don't respect your time. They have unrealistic expectations. They are demanding. They want too much done without giving you the time to do a good job.

Do you fifififind yourself marching down the corridor to tell your colleague what they did this time?

Wouldn't it be nice if patients arrived prepared and were mindful of your time and expertise?

I remember years ago, one of my partner's was away. I was the most junior physician in the clinic, with less than two years experience at that time.

I remember my colleagues' patients would come in, explain their symptoms and 8 minutes later start to rise to leave. I was perplexed! I felt halfway through the consultation, I would sit them back down and carry on and run well behind.

Guess what! It wasn't the patients, it was me.

The good news is that it is possible to learn to lead your clinical encounters and (shockingly) run on time! Yes it is within your control.

Setting an agenda, running on time and managing patient expectations are skills that can be learned, even after decades in this job.

Confidence and assertiveness can be learned. 

We are not talking about arrogance or half arsed clinical care. We are talking about you knowing how to lead a clinical encounter to help your patients at the highest level.

What would be different about your clinical day if you ran on time and had the confidence to manage your consultations and patient expectations?

Game changer right!

Let me offer you the perfect space to learn these skills: inside the Charting Coach programs with a community of your peers and your Charting Coach.

There is the perfect program for you:

(1)Charting Champions Program for Physicians

(2)Smarter Charting Program for Advanced Practice Providers

Inside the program you will not get a one strategy fits all approach, this is a program that you make uniquely yours using the foundational training and personalized coaching in the community and on the group coaching calls.

Let's take back control of our clinical day and create time for our lives outside of medicine!


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